Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Videos, part A

These notes are based off of Epified's free series on youtube, and focus on the 6th video, Episode 5 - Amba's Ruin

After Bhishma kidnapped three princesses to marry his half brother, the oldest of the three princesses rebelled. Amba said she loved another man and wanted to live with him. Bhishma apologized as he didn't know she was in love and let her go, but when she arrived, her beloved rejected her because she had lived in the house of another man. Heartbroken, she returned to Bhishma and demanded that he marry her so that she could have purpose. However, Bhishma had already sworn to never marry, and rejected her demand. Amba blamed Bhishma for ruining her life, and swore to get vengeance. She asked many kings to enact her revenge, but all of them knew of Bhishma's prowess as a warrior and refused to help her. She finally found a great sage who had previously taught Bhishma who swore he would confince Bhishma to marry Amba. However, Bhishma refused even at the advice of the sage. The sage challenged Bhishma to a fight to the death, but neither warrior was able to kill the other for days. The sage finally gave up, and Amba swore to one day be the reason for Bhishma's death.

I didn't remember reading about the sage Parshuram in the original version, so I thought that story was interesting. Here is Parshuram with his axe.

Image Information
Parshuram - wikimedia

1 comment:

  1. Nate, you are correct, we did not really see Parshuram in the original version, at least not by name. This is actually the third time I have read this story this week, because someone used it as their project story. If you do end up writing about it, I am very intrigued as to what sort of story you would write with this material.
