Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata part D

These reading notes come from a public domain edition of Mahabharata, which contains the story Bhishma Falls

In Bhishma Falls, Bhishma dies in battle. The war between the Kauvra Brothers and the Pandava brothers rages on. Bhishma still leads the might of the Kauvra forces. After heavy losses, Krishna tells Yudhishthra that Bhishma swore not to kill anyone who was born a female. Yudhishthra sends Shikhandin, who was born a female but turned male by the gods, to help Arjuna fight Bhishma. Arjuna protests because Bhishma was like a father to him, but Krishna says "it is fated." Arjuna battled Bhishma for a while, but as things got bleak, Shikhandin jumped into the fight. Bhishma refused to fight, and Arjuna begrudgingly attacks him. Bhishma doesn't immediately die, but takes a fatal wound and can no longer fight. He lies on the battlefield on a bed of arrows for months and then passes.

I didn't really imagine Bhishma as lying on an actual bed of arrows, but it turns out it is exactly as described

Bhishma - Wikipedia

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