Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

I think the reading and writing assignments have been working well for me! I struggle to keep a lot of my writings under 1000 words, but I usually enjoy doing the writings each week. I will be working on shortening my stories in the future. The reading notes have served me fine; other than the first week, I have never had to return to the source story for information. Usually just by writing the notes, I remember all of the details I need about the plot (usually I have to reference for name spelling though). My favorite reading was probably the Ramayana. I really enjoyed the first part of the story, before and leading up to Rama's exile. I still enjoyed the rest of the epic, but the first half was my favorite.

I am currently very happy with my project. I am enjoying the writing, even if it has already evolved into something I didn't expect. I kind of wrote myself into a corner; I don't want to tell all of the story's through Frederik's dialogue with the men in the tavern, so at least for the first story I went ahead and wrote it just normally from Frederik's perspective. I may do this differently in the future, I may not, but either way, I'm enjoying it, and I'm excited for future stories to go into it.

Reflecting on my favorite picture, I have to return to the modernized picture of Ravana.
After finishing the Ramayana and reading the Ravana graphic novel, Ravana really lived up to my expectations as an exceptional villain, and I think this portrayal captures the epicness of his battle with Rama. Thus, this image is one of my favorite little discoveries. I had a lot of issues imagining a scary looking person with 10 heads and 20 arms, and this allowed me to imagine him as the terrifying force he is.

Image info
Ravana - ghirish homepage


  1. Nate, I understand your struggle with the word count, it just is so easy to get caught up in filling in every aspect of the narrative you are writing, rather than selectively focusing on points here or there. If you have someone nearby while you are writing, one thing I do is to try to tell the story with as few extraneous details as possible to the listener, then ask them what questions they have, and focus on adding detail and description to those places first, then checking my word count and repeating the process. Maybe this method will help with the word count, although please do not cut out too much, the locations and atmosphere's you set up in your project are my favorite part of the stories.

  2. Hey there Nate! I feel your pain on having trouble keeping the stories under 1000 words. I find myself struggling to not go into too much detail on certain elements of the story, and often find myself rushing through the whole story. I'm glad your looking forward the rest of your storybook, and I plan on keeping an eye on your new stories.
