Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Reading Notes: Ravana, Roar of the Demon King

The notes are taken by Ravana, Roar of the Demon King, a graphic novel written by Abhimanyu Singh Sisodia, with art by Sachin Nagar. I checked this out of OU's Bizzell library, where it is on reserve.

This story tells the origin of Ravana, and then lines up mostly well with the Ramayama. Dashanada (Ravana's birth name) was born of the daughter of Sumali. Sumali was the king of the daityas, and a rakshasa. He convinced his daughter to marry Vishrava, who was born of the mind (and a son of Brahma). His siblings were named Vibhishana, Meenakshi (who would be named Shoorpanaka for her nails) and Kumbhakarana. While his grandfather taught him violence, his father taught him peace and great teachings. Additionally, he learned to play the Veena at his father’s request. His grandfather told him and his brothers to pray to Brahma and ask him for power over others. After cutting off his own head 9 times, Brahma appeared and granted Dashanada immunity from gods and beasts, so long as he protected a potion, which he put in his navel. Kubera, the god’s treasurer, was particularly unliked by Dashanada, so Dashanada took the great city Lanka from him and opened the gates to all demons. Then he married Mandadori, daughter of the architect of all asuras. Dashanada went to the mountain that Shiva lived on with the intention of taking it to his mother, but Shiva crushed him under it. After spending years under the mountain, Dashanada gained shivas favor and the name Ravana. Shiva gave him a powerful axe that would destroy any enemy it was thrown at. After some humans killed some Rakshasas on earth, Ravana led a campaign to take over earth. Then, he raped Kubera’s son’s wife. Kubera’s son cursed him to never touch another woman without her permission. Ravana got pissed and declared war on the gods, soon taking over heaven. From here, the story follows the Ramayama.

Image Information
Ravana, from the cover of the Graphic Novel - artist's webpage

1 comment:

  1. It's pretty neat to hear about the origins of such a powerful character. I have not had the chance yet to read any of the comics, but this sounds really neat. The cover of the book also looks much better than the depictions of Ravana that I have seen so far. I'll definitely be interested if you write a story using any of this information.
