Tuesday, January 16, 2018


            Hello. If you’re reading this, you’re probably expecting an introduction about me. I hate to disappoint, but you’re going to get that. The first thing you need to know is that I don’t know how to start an introduction. So let’s just get started.

            Hi, I’m Nate Johnson and I like long walks on the beach. Really though, my parents live in Florida and when I’m visiting I walk about 4 miles every other day. I struggle to get people to go with me because they think my beach walks are too long. I was born in California, and lived there until I was 3. My parents and I lived in Pasadena, but even in the suburbs, crime was nasty. Someone was shot and killed right outside our house! Fortunately, I had no idea that happened until I was an adult, but that was the primary reason my parents decided to move to Norman Oklahoma. I grew up here, and don’t really remember anything about California.

I spent my whole life in Norman. I would walk around with my friends as a kid, so I know a good chunk of the town like the back of my hand. Campus was familiar to me long before freshman year. When it finally came time to apply for college, I was ready to go explore the world and branch out, try something new! But, alas, OU offered great scholarships, so I stayed put. My parents moved to Melbourne Beach Florida after my first semester, which helped give me the out of state experience.

At OU, I am studying aerospace engineering. I want to pursue a career in the space industry, working on designing launch vehicles, but I’m still not sure what specific area I want to work in. I spent a lot of time on the Rocket Team at OU, but all that did was confirm I wanted to work on rockets- I still don’t know what part I want to work on. I don’t even really know where I want to work: ULA, SpaceX, NASA, Aerojet, Blue Origin, Orbital ATK. A lot of people seem to expect me to know what I want to do and where I want to work, but I’m still no closer to knowing myself.

The aerospace department at OU is incredibly interesting and difficult. I can honestly say that I always liked school until my junior year in college, when we finally got to the meaty technical courses. I pulled more unwilling all-nighters that year than I pulled willing all-nighters in high school (my friends and I thought staying up late was the epitome of cool.) At the same time, learning the mathematics of creating supersonic thrust is incredible. I have a love/hate relationship with my major.

I’m also trying to get a minor in computer science. For some people, writing code is a chore, or just a terrible nightmare of a thought. And while I agree that wading through buggy code can make for a terrible Friday night, the feeling of finally getting your code to work is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever known. I didn’t know I liked coding until my second semester freshman year, when I was required to take a coding class. I wish I had started sooner, but I didn’t decide to pursue the minor until after sophomore year. In order to get the required amount of credits, I had to take two summer classes and one computer science class per semester. It was and is totally worth it.

To finish off, I do enjoy other things besides 2 hour walks on the beach. I don’t read as often as I used to, but I am capable of getting wrapped up in a book. Most recently is Salem’s Lot by Steven King, but really I am just procrastinating finishing the Game of Thrones books. I like hiking and rock climbing; my roommate and I frequently go to the Wichitas and rock climb on the saddest excuse for mountains Oklahoma has to offer. I am no stranger to Netflix, but I do have to limit my binging near the end of the semester, and I enjoy a good movie in theaters (but Moore Warren just hasn’t been the same since Regal bought it.) And lastly, but certainly not least, I love a good video game, and especially one I can enjoy with my friends.

            Well, that’s me folks. I am just as clueless as to how to finish an introduction, so here’s a picture of me and my brother. 

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(Picture of me with my little brother Gabe, taken on my phone)


  1. Hi Nate! Honestly, 4 miles is a long walk every other day but that does sound really relaxing! That’s so scary that someone was killed right outside of your house in Pasadena! I am glad you guys were safe though! That’s sad that you’re parents went to Florida though while you stayed here. Your major sounds really difficult but I wish you the best of luck on figuring out what you want to do with it in the future!

  2. Nice to meet you Nate! That is awesome that you get to spend time at the beach with your family in Florida. If we had a nice beach like that, I would be taking 2 hour walks as well, so I can't blame you there. I also love to go to the movies and completely agree that the Moore Warren isn't the same as it was before Regal bought it!

  3. YES, Nate! Aerospace engineering: that program is one of the most cool things about OU. I was so excited to get to meet Donna Shirley when I came here as a faculty member way back in 1999. And I am guessing your code-writing experiences will be a big boost for this class: the whole idea of iteration, tinkering, design thinking... all of that applies to the kind of writing experience I hope people will get to have in this class. And you can consider the epics to be kind of substitutes for Game of Thrones... the Mahabharata especially has a very Games-of-Thrones feel to it! Just Google mahabharata game of thrones search results and you will see all kinds of online discussions, plus this fun video from Epified: Mahabharata meets Game of Thrones ... I use a lot of Epified videos in class. And, of course... MUSIC: Indian versions of Game of Thrones theme :-)

  4. Hi Nate!

    Aerospace engineering sounds really cool! I'm a computer science major. I totally agree that when you finally figure out how to solve a difficult problem and it actually compiles and runs correctly it is absolutely exhilarating.

    I miss being able to walk along the beach. I used to love to head out to the beach to relax and spend some time alone when I lived in Northern California. The beach is such a great calming place.

  5. Hey Nate!
    I have no idea what most of your blog meant, so that probably means you're super smart. Seriously, I always admire engineers and scientists and designers, and I'm sure aerospace engineering is no small task! I got to visit the Air and Space Museum in DC last November, and was completely amazed by everything I saw. Maybe you could set some of your stories in space or on a rocket!
    The beach is absolutely one of the best places in the universe. I don't get to go often, but when I do I want to spend all of my time in the ocean or on the sand.

  6. Hey Nate!

    I'm actually sitting at an airport in Florida right now waiting on my flight, I had an interview this weekend at UF! I'm not super thrilled to be leaving this weather to go back to Oklahoma's cold.
    I also really enjoy the cliche walks on the beach, there's something that just fascinates me about the ocean! I was in Pasadena over break for the game and while it was fun to visit, I definitely can't see myself living there - there's just so many people!

  7. Hey Nate!

    That's crazy about someone being murdered outside your house when you were a kid, dude. Long walks are pretty good, I have this friend that I walk around town with a lot, especially during the warmer months, so I get why you like that stuff. Aerospace engineering is pretty cool, almost like the brother to mechanical engineering. I wonder if we've had any classes together!!

  8. Hi Nate!
    I am so glad you get to experience OU and stay in the place you grew up in for a little while longer while also getting to experience those walks on the beach when you go to your parent's new home! Also, you have a unique major and it seems like you are very passionate about it which is great. I know what you mean about everyone thinking you know exactly what you want to do, but it will all sort itself out in its' own time. I am excited to follow your journey through this course!

  9. Hey Nate! I remember having you as a partner on one of my group projects and from working with you on the Rocket Team! I definitely understand your love/hate relationship with this major. For me it has been the best and sometimes the worst decision of my life. Best of luck to you in figuring out what you want to do and finding a job!

  10. Hi Nate, my name is Naomee.
    What a great introduction! The first paragraph of your blog was very humorous. I went to Florida over winter break. It's so beautiful there! Do you like playing League of League or Dota 2? Anyway, good luck with this semester!

    1. Hey Naomee. I used to play League until about 2 years ago. I just started playing Dota 2 about 3 months ago, so I'm still pretty terrible at it, but it's pretty fun!

  11. Hey Nate,
    I think its really cool that you are on the Rocket Team. Just the simple fact that you can tell people you are on something called "the rocket team" is pretty sweet. Good luck this semester and good luck with any future rockets!

  12. Hello Nate! My major is Management Information System (MIS), a mix of coding and business and from the name of your major, it sounds like it hard and good luck on whatever you want to do in the future. Man, I am jealous your family they get to live in Florida but don't worry I am going to visit Florida in summer vacation.

  13. Hey Nate!

    I actually have two friends who recently changed their majors from nursing to computer science, so I totally get when you say there is a certain satisfaction you get when your code works. I don't get why more people don't enjoy beach walks, if I could walk on the beach for hours I would so do that, unfortunately my one shot at the beach was cut short because of family and school. I definitely hope I can go back to Florida soon and spend time just relaxing on the beach. Growing up majority of my trips were of traveling abroad, so beaches were never really in the itinerary. I could not agree more about the Wichita Mountains, but you know there are some beautiful sunsets to be seen from those mountains in the spring and summer, sure there are better places to go hiking, but the little things like this are what make Oklahoma be Oklahoma.

  14. Hey Nate! I'm jealous that your family gets to live in Florida. My best friend from growing up just had his family move to Florida so I'm going to have to make my way out there soon. I too agree that the Warren has gone down hill since Regal bought them out. I just can't figure out why I think it has gone downhill though haha.

  15. Hi Nate! Wow, aerospace engineering. That sounds super difficult, but props to you for doing it. I am a biology major and barley made it past my general physics course, so I cannot imagine the struggles an engineering major goes through. That is cool that your parents live in Florida. I would definitely go home often if my parents lived in Florida. Great post and best of luck this semester.

  16. Hello Nate! I just want to let you know, I was not disappointed by your introduction! I think you did an amazing job on your introduction! I was born and lived in California until I was three, too. That must have been scary to have someone shot in front of your house! What other colleges did you apply to? I did not know there were so many places to work in the space industry. I would love to learn how to code someday. It definitely looks complicated. I like how you are so driven about your career. I completely agree when you say Warren has not been the same since Regal. I feel like everything they do, I despise. Good luck this semester!

  17. Hi Nate! Wow! That's crazy! I'm sorry that happened in front of your house. Something similar happened to my family when I used to live in Dallas but I was a baby so I don't really remember it either. I've never been to the beach unless you count biking near it, but I'm hoping to visit it this summer. I visited the Wichita Mountains once with my friends and really enjoyed hiking and climbing the mountains. I almost lost my phone for the second time but thankfully I was able to find it. I used to go camping a lot at Turner Falls when I was younger and enjoyed being in the outdoors away from technology. I'm currently taking a Computer Science class and am enjoying it but I'm glad it's I'm not majoring in. It is definitely time consuming which would be okay if it wasn't for grade. Enjoy the rest of your semester and good luck!

  18. Nate you sound awesome! I love that you started off your introduction with acknowledging that you don’t know how to start an introduction. I think that is very funny and I appreciate that! I also think it is really cool that you are engineering and want to get a minor in computer science. That is very cool and I am excited to read what type of stories you have!

  19. Hello Nate. Great job starting your introduction. I am also from Florida and miss being able to walk along the beach. Best of luck trying to get a job in the space industry, that must be really competitive. . Being on the rocket team sound really cool. You also did a great job finishing your introduction. I am looking forward to checking out the rest of your blog.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi Nate! It's awesome that you are in aerospace engineering. I could never do that much physics. Reading about the of the math behind that stuff is super interesting. It's very cool that you are a part of the rocket team and also have an idea about what you want to do. Good job on the introduction I look forward to reading more.

  22. Hi Nate! You seem like a really cool person! Some of my greatest memories growing up were walking along the beaches in North Carolina. Every summer I would go with my extended family to North Carolina so I really do understand the cliche long walks on the beach thing. Also, coding is difficult I can't even imagine applying it to engineering I'm sure its really hard but like you said the accomplishment of finally doing it right is worth all of the suffering while trying to figure it out.

  23. Hey Nate!

    I understand that whole love/hate dynamic with your major. I had to take a lot of chemistry for my degree, and on the first day of class I would always be so nervous I'd get sick. But it's worth it. The harder you work on something, the more rewarding it feels at the end of the semester, though! I had to fight my organic chem classes tooth and nail, but they were so worth it.

    Happy studies!

  24. Hi Nate! I saw your picture of you and your little brother and it is really cute! I have a little brother too and he will be turning 6 this year! It is totally crazy having a little brother and sometimes they can get a little crazy! That is a killer major you are earning! Good luck to you as you pursue it! It may seem really hard now but, when you get your degree, you will feel so rewarded! Graduation will be one of the proudest moments of your life! I really like beaches too! I used to live in Atlantic City, New jersey, just minutes from the boardwalk! I will never forget the memories I made there! It was nice reading about your life! Good luck to you!

  25. Hey Nate! I just now read your introduction and you seem like a cool guy. From the beginning I knew you were going to be down-to-earth and that you wouldn’t embellish on anything to make yourself sound better. That is a great quality to have. I also think that it is so cool that you are studying Aerospace Engineering. I bet it is so interesting!

  26. Hey Nate! I just now read your introduction and you seem like a cool guy. From the beginning I knew you were going to be down-to-earth and that you wouldn’t embellish on anything to make yourself sound better. That is a great quality to have. I also think that it is so cool that you are studying Aerospace Engineering. I bet it is so interesting!

  27. Howdy there partner!
    I too love long walks on the beach. I visit my grandma in Florida every winterbreak with my family. We always end up going to the beach, because you have to when in Florida, and I usually take a 2 hour walk. I would take longer but my parents would get mad they have to sit out there for so long. It is usually chilly and windy in the winter as you probably know.

  28. Hey Nate! Your picture with your little brother is very cute! You seem like a cool dude! I totally feel your dislike and like towards your major. I feel the same way about mine right now. Good luck for the rest of the semester and i will be looking forward to reading your stories.

  29. Hey Nate,
    Pretty cool you're in the aerospace program here. I think it would be a pretty cool major to be in. What are you hoping to do with that after school and your comp sci major? I think it'd be pretty cool to do something like work for NASA. Best of luck these last few weeks of the semester.

  30. Hey Nate! I agree with everyone, you had a great start to your introduction hahaha I don't see why anyone would enjoy walking on the beach! I am missing the water soooo much right now! I was in Spain last week, and it rained the entire time, so I could not go by the sea. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  31. Hey Nate!
    I really like the design and layout of your blog and I feel like incorporating personal photos into your introduction was a nice touch! I think it’s so cool that you get to go to Florida and hangout on the beach with your family. I love the beach! I hope you are having a great semester so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!

  32. You're so lucky that campus was already familiar to you before your freshman year at OU. I had never stepped foot on the campus itself except for registration/enrollment purposes, and the first week of classes was a nightmare for me! Navigating OU can be a bit of a challenge when every class is in a vastly different building, but it's a good challenge.

    I agree about Regal buying the Warren. Maybe the Warren in MidWest City will be nice? I lived in the Midwest City/Del City area for most of my life, so it's an easy drive for me to make.

  33. Hi Nate!

    Walking on Florida beaches sounds divine. I'm still getting used to Oklahoma (originally from Texas), and the beaches I remember were decidedly less than choice growing up. I actually visited Miami recently for the first time earlier this year, and wow! What a difference from murky Galveston Bay. I've never done anything to do with code, but I absolutely love the feeling of slowly teasing out success from a difficult project. Technical satisfaction is a class of its own. Nice to meet you!

  34. Hey Nate, I thought it was a little funny that your parents were the ones to move away when you went to college. It is always the other way around, parents can bare to let go of their children so they try and get them to stay close to home and go to college. But I have been to Florida many times and I am not surprised that wanted to move there, the beaches and ocean is absolutely beautiful. Also, I am from Moore and could not agree with you more!! The Warren has not been the same since Regal took it over! Good luck in your classes this semester!

  35. Hey Nate , the first impression was a really good impression and I really liked the storyline of your introduction. I thought it was really funny that you did not know how to start off a introduction. But reading through it I felt like there was a lot to know about you and it was all interesting. You and your little brother look a like and he seems like he really loves you.
