Sunday, January 28, 2018

Receiving Feedback Thoughts

For the introduction to receiving feedback, I read these articles: 5 tips for receiving feedback like a champ, and overcoming the fear of feedback.  I guess I went into the first article with some high expectations: some 5 step process to immediately be better at getting feedback. What I ultimately found was that I think simply reminding yourself to remain in a growth mindset is basically the best way to view things. I definitely used to be terrible at receiving feedback; I can remember a time when I got in a fight with my mom over things she thought I should change in elementary school. But nowadays, I think I'm better at receiving critical feedback. I'm far from "receiving feedback like a champ," but I can usually make myself think of receiving feedback as a good thing instead of as an attack. One of the ways that I can generally help myself receive feedback is to simply ask people why they think I'm doing something wrong; opening a dialogue with critics can really help to understand why something was wrong, and what can be done in the future for similar situations. Although I have high school nightmares of getting back a paper with red ink all over it, I can honestly say the worst feedback memory I have was in a college english class. My critic simply said they liked my paper, and wouldn't change anything. I hated that; I wanted to make it better, I knew it wasn't perfect (and my professor certainly knew it wasn't perfect,) but I didn't have a chance to improve it. In my experience, everyone can find a way they would make something better, so when someone says something is fine the way it is, they generally mean that they don't care enough to really look into it.

Image Information
(A Terrible Example of Constructive Criticism - Widewalls)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nate! I really liked your image that you chose and it made me laugh. I agree that it is worthless to have people say that they wouldn't change anything because that doesn't help in any sense. I too received papers that looked like murder scenes due to the red ink but those corrections made me a stronger writer in the end.
