Saturday, April 21, 2018

Learning Challenge: Ditching Nocturnal Behaviors

I just read the article Yes, Your Sleep Schedule Is Making You Sick. It put a lot of things into perspective for me...

For a little backstory, I have had 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM classes for the last 3 semesters. So this semester, when I didn't have all that many classes to take, I finally throttled back on my early classes. Like, WAY back. My earliest class is at 11:30 AM, and I only have it once. So my sleep schedule has shifted quite a bit; on weekends, I often end up staying up very late into the morning and then sleeping till noon... or later... But even on days when I get a lot of sleep, I still often feel tired! I thought just getting enough sleep would make me feel better, but that isn't necessarily true.

After reading the article, I found out that my Circadian Rhythm is probably very wonky. As the article states, I am most likely feeling the effects of my rhythm not being synced up with the day. This is because I use heavy curtains to block out the sun during the sunrise; my body doesn't get the dose of early morning light. The solution is of course obvious; I need to start going to bed at a more reasonable time and stop using the blackout curtains. Hopefully some early morning sunlight will help me reestablish a better rhythm.

Image Information
Window Sunlight - Max Pixel

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